Class: Quad

Annotations. Quad

Represents a utility class used to manipulate quadrilateral objects.

new Quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

Create a new Quad with the x and y coordinates of the the four points of a quadrilateral.
Name Type Description
x1 number the x coordinate of the lower-left point
y1 number the y coordinate of the lower-left point
x2 number the x coordinate of the lower-right point
y2 number the y coordinate of the lower-right point
x3 number the x coordinate of the upper-right point
y3 number the y coordinate of the upper-right point
x4 number the x coordinate of the upper-left point
y4 number the y coordinate of the upper-left point
Name Type Description
x1 number the x coordinate of the lower-left point
y1 number the y coordinate of the lower-left point
x2 number the x coordinate of the lower-right point
y2 number the y coordinate of the lower-right point
x3 number the x coordinate of the upper-right point
y3 number the y coordinate of the upper-right point
x4 number the x coordinate of the upper-left point
y4 number the y coordinate of the upper-left point
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