new FileAttachmentAnnot()
A file attachment annotation contains a reference to a file, which may be
embedded in the PDF document.
- MarkupAnnot
<static> Icon
Name Type Description e_Graph
number e_PushPin
number e_Paperclip
number e_Tag
number e_Unknown
<static> createDefault(doc, pos, path)
Name Type Description doc
PDFNet.PDFDoc | PDFNet.SDFDoc | PDFNet.FDFDoc pos
PDFNet.Rect path
string Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot>
<static> createFromObj( [d])
creates an FileAttachment annotation and initializes it using given Cos/SDF object. d Cos/SDF object used to initialize the FileAttachment annotation
Name Type Argument Description d
PDFNet.Obj <optional>
The Cos/SDF object to initialze the annotation with. Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot>
<static> createWithFileSpec(doc, pos, fs [, icon_name])
Creates a file attachment annotation. A file attachment annotation contains a reference to a file, which typically is embedded in the PDF file.
Name Type Argument Description doc
PDFNet.PDFDoc | PDFNet.SDFDoc | PDFNet.FDFDoc A document to which the annotation is added. pos
PDFNet.Rect A rectangle specifying the annotation's bounds, in user space coordinates. fs
PDFNet.FileSpec a file specification object used to initialize the file attachment annotation. icon_name
number <optional>
PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot.Icon = { e_Graph : 0 e_PushPin : 1 e_Paperclip : 2 e_Tag : 3 e_Unknown : 4 }
The name of an icon to be used in displaying the annotation, default is PushPin.Returns:
A promise that resolves to a new file attachment annotation.- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot>
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.Annot"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.Annot>
export( [save_as])
The function saves the data referenced by this File Attachment to an external file. If the file is embedded, the function saves the embedded file. If the file is not embedded, the function will copy the external file. If the file is not embedded and the external file can't be found, the function returns false.
Name Type Argument Description save_as
string <optional>
An optional parameter indicating the filepath and filename where the data should be saved. If this parameter is not specified the function will attempt to save the file using FileSpec.GetFilePath(). Returns:
A promise that resolves to true is the file was saved successfully, false otherwise.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
A promise that resolves to the file specification that contains a file reference or the embedded file data stream.- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.FileSpec>
- Default Value:
- e_PushPin
A promise that resolves to the type the associated icon style.- Type
- Promise.<number>
Return value enum: <pre> PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot.Icon = { e_Graph : 0 e_PushPin : 1 e_Paperclip : 2 e_Tag : 3 e_Unknown : 4 } </pre>
Returns the name of the icon associated with the FileAttachment annotation.
- See:
- GetIcon() GetIconName() returns the icon name as it appears in the annotation dictionary, while GetIcon() returns the same icon name converted to enumeration value.
A promise that resolves to a string denoting the name of the icon.- Type
- Promise.<string>
sets the file specification.
Name Type Description file
PDFNet.FileSpec The file specification to associate with this annotation.. The file specification contains a file reference or the embedded file data stream. Returns:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setIcon( [type])
sets the icon style associated with FileAttachment annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Argument Description type
number <optional>
PDFNet.FileAttachmentAnnot.Icon = { e_Graph : 0 e_PushPin : 1 e_Paperclip : 2 e_Tag : 3 e_Unknown : 4 }
icon style.- Default Value:
- e_PushPin
- Type
- Promise.<void>
sets the name of the icon associated with the FileAttachment annotation. (Optional)
Name Type Description iname
string A string.denoting the name of the icon. - See:
- SetIcon()
- Type
- Promise.<void>