new NameTree()
A NameTree is a common data structure in PDF. See section 3.8.5 'Name Trees'
in PDF Reference Manual for more details.
A name tree serves a similar purpose to a dictionary - associating keys and
values - but by different means. NameTrees allow efficient storage of very
large association collections (string/Obj* maps). A NameTree can have many
more entries than a SDF/Cos dictionary can.
NameTree-s use SDF/Cos-style strings (not null-terminated C strings), which
may use Unicode encoding etc.
PDFDoc doc("../Data/PDFReference.pdf"); NameTree dests = NameTree::Find(*doc.GetSDFDoc(), "Dests"); if (dests.IsValid()) { // Traversing the NameTree UString key; for (DictIterator i = dests.GetIterator(); i.HasNext(); i.Next()) i.Key().GetAsPDFText(key); // ... }
<static> create(doc, name)
Retrieves the NameTree inside the '/Root/Names' dictionary with the specified key name, or creates it if it does not exist.
Name Type Description doc
PDFNet.PDFDoc | PDFNet.SDFDoc | PDFNet.FDFDoc The document in which the name tree is created. name
string The name of the NameTree to create. Returns:
A promise that resolves to the newly created NameTree for the doc or an existing tree with the same key name.- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.NameTree>
<static> createFromObj(name_tree)
Create a high level NameTree wrapper around an existing SDF/Cos NameTree. This does not copy the object.
Name Type Description name_tree
PDFNet.Obj SDF/Cos root of the NameTree object. Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.NameTree"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.NameTree>
<static> find(doc, name)
Retrieves a name tree, with the given key name, from the '/Root/Names' dictionary of the doc.
Name Type Description doc
PDFNet.PDFDoc | PDFNet.SDFDoc | PDFNet.FDFDoc The document in which to search for the name. name
string The name of the name tree to find. Returns:
A promise that resolves to the requested NameTree. If the requested NameTree exists NameTree.IsValid() will return true, and false otherwise.- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.NameTree>
Assignment operator
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.NameTree"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.NameTree>
Removes the NameTree entry pointed by the iterator.
Name Type Description pos
PDFNet.DictIterator ditionary iterator object that points to the NameTree entry to be removed. Returns:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Name Type Description key
string Returns:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Name Type Description key
string Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.DictIterator"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.DictIterator>
A promise that resolves to an iterator that addresses the first element in the NameTree. The iterator can be used to traverse all entries stored in the NameTree.UString key; for (NameTreeIterator i = dests.GetIterator(); i.HasNext(); i.Next()) { i.GetKey().GetAsPDFText(key); // ... }
- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.DictIterator>
A promise that resolves to the object to the underlying SDF/Cos object. If the NameTree.IsValid() returns false the SDF/Cos object is NULL.- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.Obj>
Name Type Description key
string Returns:
A promise that resolves to an object of type: "PDFNet.Obj"- Type
- Promise.<PDFNet.Obj>
A promise that resolves to whether this is a valid (non-null) NameTree. If the function returns false the underlying SDF/Cos object is null and the NameTree object should be treated as null as well.- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
put(key, value)
Name Type Description key
string value
PDFNet.Obj Returns:
- Type
- Promise.<void>