Class: SubmitForm


Submit the form, via various possible protocols, and including/excluding different fields.

new SubmitForm(options)

Creates a submit-form action.
Name Type Argument Description
options object <nullable>
A map of properties to set on the Action
Name Type Description
url string The URL to submit the form to
fields Array.<string> A list of the names of the fields to operate on
format string The format in which to submit the fields (one of fdf, html, xfdf)
includeEmpty boolean Whether to include empty fields
flags Annotations.WidgetFlags A flags object exposing all flags on the action
method string The HTTP method to submit with (either POST or GET)
exclude boolean Whether to include or exclude the fields named in fields



onTriggered(owner, event, documentViewer)

Called when the action is triggered.
Name Type Description
owner Annotations.Forms.Field | CoreControls.DocumentViewer The dispatcher to which this action is attached
event object The PDFJS event to use when executing the action
documentViewer CoreControls.DocumentViewer The DocumentViewer to use as context for the action execution
Inherited From: